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Wednesday, July 10 2024

Crystal Hops

Crystal hops, known for their versatility and unique aromatic profile, are a popular choice among both craft brewers and homebrewers. Developed as a part of a breeding program to replace the German noble hop Hallertauer Mittelfrüh, Crystal hops offer a delightful blend of both European and American hop characteristics.

Origin and Characteristics

Crystal hops were introduced by the USDA in 1993, following a breeding program that began in 1983. They are a triploid hop variety with parentage that includes Cascade, Brewer’s Gold, and Early Green hops. This lineage provides Crystal hops with a unique profile that combines floral, woody, and citrusy notes​

Flavor and Aroma

Crystal hops are valued for their delicate yet complex aroma, which includes elements of spice, floral, and fruity notes. Common descriptors include cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg, pine, and citrus (such as lime, orange peel, and lemongrass). When used in larger quantities, they can impart more robust citrus and spice

Usage in Brewing

Crystal hops are predominantly used as an aroma hop due to their low alpha acid content, typically ranging from 3.5% to 5.5%. This makes them ideal for late boil additions and dry hopping, where their aromatic properties can be fully appreciated without contributing significant bitterness. They are versatile enough to be used in a wide range of beer styles including:

  • IPAs: Adding Crystal hops early in the boil can enhance the bitterness while their later additions contribute citrusy and woody notes​ (MoreBeer)​.
  • Pilsners: Especially suited for German-style pilsners, Crystal hops offer a crisp, clean finish that complements the lighter body of the beer​ (Beertannica)​.
  • Belgian Ales: The combination of Crystal hops and Munich malts can create a balanced Belgian ale with a light, floral, and citrusy aroma​ (Beertannica)​.
  • Stouts: Although unconventional, Crystal hops can be used to add a subtle sweetness and complexity to stouts, balancing the darker malts

Substitutes and Pairings

If Crystal hops are unavailable, they can be substituted with other noble or semi-noble hops such as Hallertau Mittelfrüh, Mt. Hood, or Liberty. These substitutes share similar aromatic properties, ensuring the desired flavor profile is maintained​ (MoreBeer)​. Crystal hops also pair well with a variety of other hops, including Centennial, Simcoe, and Chinook, which can enhance their inherent floral and citrus characteristics

Commercial Examples

Many breweries utilize Crystal hops in their recipes to achieve distinctive flavors. Some notable beers featuring Crystal hops include Wildflower Wheat from Marble Brewing Company and Crystal Hero from Revolution Brewing Company​

Growing Crystal Hops

For homebrewers interested in growing their own, Crystal hops are relatively easy to cultivate. They thrive in well-draining soil with adequate watering and partial sun exposure. This makes them an attractive option for home gardens, provided there is enough space for their extensive growth​ (Beertannica)​.

In summary, Crystal hops are a versatile and aromatic hop variety that can enhance a wide range of beer styles. Their unique blend of floral, citrus, and spicy notes makes them a valuable addition to any brewer's toolkit.

Cascade Hop Profile / Flavor (PNW vs. NY)
Wednesday, January 24 2024

Cascade Hop Flavor & Profile

Cascade hops, a beloved variety in the craft beer industry, are known for their distinctive profile and history. Developed in the 1960s, Cascade was released in the early 1970s and is named after the Cascade Range in the western United States. This hop variety is a crossbreed of the English Fuggle and Russian Serebrianka hop varieties. It's particularly popular in American Pale Ales and is also used in a variety of ales and lagers.

The Cascade hop is characterized by its unique blend of flavors and aromas. Commonly, it imparts floral, citrus, and grapefruit notes, with occasional hints of pine and spice. This versatility makes it a favorite for adding both aromatic and bittering qualities to beers. It's known for its spicy citrus aroma with grapefruit elements, contributing to a bright and refreshing flavor profile in beers.

In terms of technical specifications, Cascade hops have an alpha acid composition of 4.5%-8.9%, and a beta acid composition of 3.6%-7.5%. The oil composition includes significant levels of myrcene (45%-60%), which contributes to its citrusy aroma. Cascade hops are also described as having moderate to high growth rates with yields ranging from 1800-2200 lbs/acre.

Cascade hops have a moderate to poor storage stability, but this is often not an issue due to their high demand and large production volumes. They are suited for a wide range of beer styles, including but not limited to Barley Wines, American Pale Ales, and lagers.

Overall, the Cascade hop is a cornerstone of the American craft beer movement, offering a unique and versatile profile that has made it a staple in many breweries​.

PNW vs NY Cascade Hop Profile / Flavor

The terroir, or the environmental factors where hops are grown, can significantly influence the characteristics of Cascade hops. While the specific details about the differences in terroir between the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and New York (NY) for Cascade hops are not extensively documented, some general observations can be made.

Cascade hops from the PNW, where they were originally developed and are extensively grown, are known for their distinctive spicy citrus aroma with hints of grapefruit. This is attributed to the unique climate and soil conditions in the region. The PNW is renowned for its hop production, thanks to its optimal growing conditions for hops.

In contrast, Cascade hops grown in New York may exhibit a different profile due to the distinct terroir of the region. The climate, soil composition, and other environmental factors in New York are different from those in the PNW, which can lead to variations in the hop characteristics. For instance, New York's Cascade hops are described as having aromas of orange, grapefruit, Dew Berry, and stone fruits, suggesting a possibly more diverse flavor profile influenced by the local growing conditions.

It's important to note that while terroir can influence hop characteristics, the overall genetic makeup of the hop variety remains the same. Therefore, Cascade hops, regardless of where they are grown, will share certain fundamental traits, but the nuances in flavor and aroma can vary based on the terroir. This concept is similar to how wine grapes of the same variety can produce different tasting wines when grown in different regions.

These differences highlight the importance of considering both the hop variety and the region where it is grown when crafting beer, as each can contribute unique qualities to the final product.

NY Cascade Hops can be purchased here at, just follow our link to our NY Cascade Hops.

NY Cascade Hops 

Lets Talk About Super Saaz / Saaz 72 Hops
Friday, January 19 2024

"Super Saaz" hops, as the name suggests, are an enhanced variant of the traditional and highly esteemed Saaz hops, known for their noble characteristics and extensive use in classic beer styles like Pilsners. These hops offer a rich, aromatic profile that has been favored in brewing for centuries.

Origin and Development

Super Saaz hops stem from the same lineage as the classic Saaz variety, which originated in the Czech Republic. This region is renowned for its long-standing tradition in hop cultivation and brewing. The development of Super Saaz hops is rooted in the desire to amplify the best qualities of Saaz while potentially offering increased versatility or different agronomic characteristics.  Super Saaz distinguishes itself with higher alpha acid content (6.27% compared to 3.40% in Czech Saaz), giving it an "Alpha Kick." It also features a beta acid content of 6.98% and total oil content of 1.


Super Saaz hops maintain the earthy, herbal, and spicy aromas that are hallmarks of their predecessor, the Saaz hops. However, they may offer a more pronounced intensity in these attributes or differ slightly in their oil composition and acid profile. The exact differences can vary based on growing conditions and cultivation practices.

Brewing Applications

The enhanced characteristics of Super Saaz hops make them suitable for a variety of beer styles. They are particularly well-suited for:

  • Traditional Czech Pilsners, where they can contribute a classic, noble hop profile.
  • Lagers and other light ales, where their refined aroma can add complexity without overpowering the delicate malt flavors.
  • Experimental and craft brews, where brewers seek to incorporate classic hop profiles with a twist.

Unique Aspects

What sets Super Saaz hops apart is their ability to bring a familiar, yet distinct, hop character to a brew. They offer a bridge between traditional brewing and modern craft innovations, allowing brewers to experiment while staying rooted in classic hop flavors.

Super Saaz Hops can be purchased at https"// at this page.

Wednesday, January 17 2024

Vista hops

Origin and Development:  The origin and development of Vista hops involves a process of selective breeding and cultivation. Typically, new hop varieties like Vista are developed through extensive research and experimentation in hop breeding programs. These programs aim to combine desirable traits from existing hop varieties to create new ones with unique flavor profiles, disease resistance, and growing characteristics. The development of a hop variety like Vista is a meticulous process that can take several years, involving cross-breeding, field trials, and sensory evaluations to ensure they meet the desired criteria for aroma, flavor, and brewing performance. Vista hops, with their specific flavor profile, are a result of such dedicated efforts in hop cultivation and breeding.  Vista hops were developed by the USDA’s public hop breeding program and were officially announced as a new variety in 2022. They were originally known as USDA Experimental #074 and were bred in 2006 at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Station in Corvallis, Oregon. Vista hops are a result of a cross by Dr. John Henning between the tetraploid Perle female and an unknown diploid male, resulting in a triploid line recognized for its vigorous plant growth and superior agronomic traits. The ancestry of Vista hops includes Perle, Northern Brewer, and Hallertauer.

Flavor and Aroma Profile:  The flavor and aroma profile of Vista hops is characterized by a unique and appealing blend of notes that make it versatile for brewing various styles of beer. Key characteristics of Vista hops include:

  1. Fruity Notes: Vista hops display a prominent fruity character. This includes aromas and flavors of honeydew melon, papaya, and tropical fruit. These fruity notes are often bright and refreshing, making Vista hops ideal for beers where a fruit-forward profile is desired.

  2. Additional Nuances: Alongside the dominant fruity characteristics, Vista hops also exhibit notes of white peach and ripe pear. These add depth and complexity to the hop's profile, contributing to a more rounded and nuanced flavor in the brew.

  3. Herbal and Floral Undertones: Some descriptions of Vista hops also include herbal notes, alongside a subtle floral quality. This combination of herbal and floral undertones complements the fruitiness, adding an additional layer of aroma and taste.

Brewing Applications:  The brewing applications of Vista hops are diverse, making them a versatile ingredient in the brewing industry. Given their unique flavor and aroma profile, they are particularly well-suited for certain styles of beer and specific brewing roles. Here are some key applications:

  1. Styles of Beer: Vista hops are ideal for a variety of beer styles, particularly those that benefit from a fruit-forward and aromatic hop character. They are commonly used in:

    • Fruit-forward IPAs: Their tropical and citrus notes complement the bold and hop-centric nature of IPAs.
    • Pale Ales: Vista hops can add a refreshing and complex flavor to Pale Ales.
    • Lagers and Pilsners: The subtle and balanced profile of Vista hops works well in lagers and pilsners, where a lighter hop presence is often desired.
    • DDH Hazy and Juicy IPAs: Their juicy and tropical characteristics make them a great fit for Double Dry-Hopped (DDH) and hazy IPAs.
  2. Brewing Role: Vista hops can be used in various roles in the brewing process, including:

    • Aroma: They are excellent for adding a fresh, fruity aroma to beers.
    • Flavor: Vista hops contribute nuanced flavors of tropical fruit, melon, and stone fruits.
    • Dual-Purpose: Their balanced bitterness and aromatic qualities allow them to be used both for flavoring and adding bitterness to the beer.
  3. Experimentation and Blending: Vista hops' ability to blend well with other varieties makes them suitable for experimental brews and hop blends. Brewers can combine them with other hop types to create unique flavor profiles.

  4. Impact on Beer Profile: When used in brewing, Vista hops contribute to a beer’s overall sensory profile by enhancing its fruitiness, aroma, and complexity. This can lead to beers with a distinctive character and appeal.

Vista hops offer brewers a wide range of possibilities, from enhancing traditional beer styles with a modern twist to experimenting with new brewing techniques and hop combinations. Their adaptability and distinctive flavor profile make them a valuable ingredient in the craft brewing world.  Vista hops are more than just a new ingredient; they represent the evolving landscape of craft brewing. Their unique profile offers exciting possibilities for both brewers and beer enthusiasts.

Vista Hops can be purchased here at, just follow our link to Vista Hops. 

Tuesday, January 16 2024

Today we're diving into the exciting world of New York-grown hops! New York State, with its rich agricultural heritage, is rapidly becoming a hotspot for high-quality, locally-grown hops. This resurgence is not only a nod to the state's historical roots in hop farming but also a boost to the local craft brewing industry.

  1. Historical Significance: Once the hop capital of North America, NY is reviving its legacy. We explore the state's history with hop cultivation and how this tradition is being reborn.

  2. Variety and Quality: NY's diverse climate allows for the cultivation of a wide range of hop varieties. We'll look at some of the unique strains grown in the state and how they're influencing the flavors of local craft beers.

  3. Sustainability and Local Economy: The growth of hop farming in NY is contributing to sustainable agricultural practices and bolstering the local economy. We discuss the environmental and economic impacts of this trend.

  4. Partnerships with Brewers: Many NY brewers are now partnering with local hop farmers. This collaboration is leading to some exciting and unique brews. We'll highlight a few standout examples.

  5. Future Outlook: With increasing interest and investment, what does the future hold for NY hop farming? We explore upcoming trends and potential developments in the industry.

NY-grown hops are more than just an ingredient; they're a testament to the state's agricultural prowess and a key component in the craft beer revolution. Whether you're a brewer or a beer aficionado, NY hops are bringing something fresh and exciting to the table.

Stay tuned to our blog for more insights into the fascinating world of hops and brewing. And if you're looking to try some NY-grown hops or want to know more about them, visit for a wide selection and more information. Cheers to great beer!


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    Full service Brokerage and Processing for New York State Hop Growers


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    Upstate Hops
    1948 NY-21
    Shortsville, New York 14548